• 9 April 2012

Includes presentation of the conference; land grabbing: what is it? – old phenomenon, new appearance, scale and speed, the ‘everyone wins’ myth; testimonies and analyses by peasants and family farmers from ...

  • 9 April 2012

A growing body of evidence points to the scale, geography, players and key characteristics of the global land rush phenomenon. Much of the data cannot be compared so improving the data and analysis is critical. All ...

  • 9 April 2012

Includes introduction: a new rush for land; framing the issues: historical and development questions; impacts of land grabs on rural women; concluding notes; proposed pointers for action.

  • 9 April 2012

Includes key issues in land and development patterns; land tenure in Africa: theory and practice; debates about ‘land grabbing’ in sub-Saharan Africa; outcomes of and responses to ‘land grabbing’; ways to ...

  • 9 March 2012

Stresses the growing body of evidence illustrating the positive correlation between secure land rights and food security and nutrition. Also looks at constraints to secure land rights for women. Enforcement of laws ...

  • 9 February 2012

This report covers the lunchtime lecture on “Securing Women’s Land Rights in Southern and Eastern Africa” organised by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association that took place at the Houses of Parliament on ...

  • 9 January 2012

5 briefs analyse the roots of African land tenure systems, recent policy trends and the phenomenon of large scale land acquisitions. The briefs are: Customary Land Tenure in the Modern World; Putting 20th-Century ...

  • 9 January 2012

Includes development of FAO’s interest in tenure, rights and access to land and natural resources (TRA); land sector: assessment of performance 2006-10; key cross-cutting themes and approaches (gender, ...

  • 9 December 2011

Brief summary of 4 presentations at the Mokoro land seminar by Martin Adams (Mokoro) on FAO’s support for tenure, rights and access to land and natural resources: lessons from Mozambique; by Joseph Hanlon (LSE) on ...

  • 9 December 2011

5 chapters: introduction; features, triggers, and drivers of the global rush for land; impacts; factors shaping the land rush; conclusions and policy considerations. Africa is the prime target, the best land is ...