• 9 February 2013

Includes land and food security; an overview; a short literature review (food security, governance); the impact of large scale land acquisitions on food security and nutrition (environmental and social impact ...

  • 9 January 2013

Includes the fundamental choice: landowners or laborers?; state of forest tenure rights in 2012: progress and unfulfilled promises; 2012 in focus: choices and their consequences; looking ahead to 2013.

  • 9 January 2013

A guide to assist implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on tenure. Comprises an introduction and 5 modules – policy making, legal issues, institutions, technical issues and getting the message across ...

  • 9 December 2012

Based on case studies in Guatemala, Nigeria, Tanzania and the Philippines. Contains introduction: shaping agricultural investments and markets for inclusion; getting the basics right: the wider policy environment; ...

  • 9 December 2012

Investigates the real financial consequences of investing in land with disputed tenure rights. Demonstrates that companies which ignore the issue of land tenure expose themselves to substantial, and in some cases ...

  • 9 October 2012

Examines the role of development finance institutions in land grabbing – the World Bank group, the African Development Bank group, IFAD, European development finance institutions, the European Bank for ...

  • 9 October 2012

Calls on the World Bank to freeze for 6 months all lending to projects that involve or enable agricultural large-scale land acquisitions. Includes an opportunity cost too high, the pivotal role of the World Bank, ...

  • 9 October 2012

Asks and responds to a series of questions about land grabbing, including what is it, what is its scale, its history, its impacts, how does it take place, what is new, how is it tied to water grabbing, what is green ...

  • 9 October 2012

Includes land is life, land grabs and the impacts on communities, land governance challenges, lessons and recommendations, country-by-country analysis, including Burundi, DRC, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, ...

  • 9 August 2012

Includes going with the grain; global farmland index – a new measure of performance; investment performance – a creditable alternative; global snapshot – a world of opportunity; risk appraisal ...