• 5 October 2023

Within its existing Long-term Agreement to conduct Country Strategic Plan Evaluations, Mokoro was contracted by the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) to carry out the evaluation of its Country Strategic Plan ...

  • 12 March 2021

This global strategic evaluation was conducted by a Mokoro evaluation team, led by Dr Muriel Visser. The evaluation reviewed WFP’s strategic positioning in school feeding, its contribution to the achieving the ...

  • 3 September 2011

In view of the strong linkages between tenure, rights and access (TRA) issues, the FAO Programme Committee at its 103rd session (September 2009) requested the Office of Evaluation to conduct an evaluation of ...

  • 14 September 2004

The purpose of the technical assistance was to assist the Government of Namibia (GRN) and the EC to ensure effective programming and monitoring of European Development Fund (EDF) resources in accordance with the ...

  • 14 September 2003

A two-person Mokoro team, Andrew Bird and Murray Macrae, assisted the Namibian education ministries to prepare the joint annual review of a multi-donor sector support operation in the education sector.