• 19 December 2018

  On 20 November 2018 the 2019 Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report was launched in London at an event hosted by UKFIET, along with BAICE, with approximately 150 people attending. Other launch events ...

  • 19 December 2018

It’s 9am and I’m putting out the last of the chairs in the workshop, while my colleague Jorge fixes balloons to the wall either side of the sign that reads “FELICIDADES!” (congratulations). The guests are ...

  • 13 August 2018

Ahead of September’s Global Youth Economic Opportunities Summit, Adam Leach offers reflections and a reminder of the 2017 Summit hosted by Making Cents International. The call to action at the last Global Youth ...

  • 21 March 2016

The last year saw Mokoro spend a good deal of time in Tanzania. There were various aid portfolios, donor country strategies, budget support programmes and nutrition interventions to evaluate, as the Tanzanian ...