Evaluation of WFP’s school feeding policy

WFP, Multi country

WFP’s formal policy on school feeding was published in 2009 and by the end of that year school feeding accounted for around 20% of WFP’s total beneficiaries, rendering WFP the largest provider of school meals in the world.

In approving the 2009 policy, WFP’s executive board requested a comprehensive evaluation of WFP’s school feeding in 2012. Mokoro provided a multi-disciplinary team to undertake this policy evaluation, led by Principal Consultant, Stephen Lister.

The purpose of the evaluation was firstly to assess the quality and results of the school feeding policy, as well as associated implementation operations and activities, and secondly to determine the reasons why certain changes occurred or not and therefore draw lessons for future learning. The team undertook a detailed analysis of the influence and interests of a diverse range of stakeholders, and generated a clear understanding of stakeholder perspectives.

The people behind the project

Project leader: Stephen Lister

Principal Consultant and Director

Principal Consultant

Stephen Anderson, Anthea Gordon, Daniel Ross, Judith Sandford, Stephen Turner, Margarita Lovon Castro, Mirella Mokbel, Abby Riddell