GPE prospective evaluations for DRC, Malawi and Nepal

Global Partnership for Education (GPE), Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, Nepal

Established in 2002, the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) is a multi-stakeholder partnership focused on supporting and financing education in low and lower middle income countries, contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal on Education (SDG 4). In December 2015, the GPE Board of Directors adopted a new strategic plan, GPE 2020, which sets out the goals and objectives for the partnership between 2016 and 2020, and along with it a Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy (June 2016), which includes a Results Framework used to monitor progress.

Because of the centrality of country-level results within GPE 2020, the majority of its evaluation resources were intended to be used to assess how GPE adds value at country level through its support for national education sector planning; its focus on inclusive policy dialogue and mutual accountability; and its financing for the implementation of sector plans.

A Mokoro team led by Stephen Lister joined Itad and Results for Development (R4D) in a consortium led by Universalia commissioned to design and implement the country-level evaluation strategy over the period between 2017 and 2020. The evaluation portfolio comprised of 22 summative and eight prospective country evaluations.

Of the eight prospective country evaluations required, Mokoro was responsible for three for the first year: the evaluations of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi and Nepal. A country visit to each country was conducted between April and May 2018.

In addition, Mokoro’s contribution over this first year included responsibility for developing methodologies and templates, as well as contributions towards developing the inception report, annual reports on Prospective Evaluations, methodologies, standards and Quality Assurance for country-level work and assessing and reporting on document availability.

Mokoro completed its contributions to the prospective evaluations in October 2018.

The people behind the project

Project leader: Stephen Lister

Principal Consultant and Director

Principal Consultant

Principal Consultant

Principal Consultant

Principal Consultant

Arlette Nyembo, Claudia Lo Forte, Hannock Kumwenda, Henry Freeman, Stephen Turner, Yadab Chapagain