• 11 January 2002

A review of Zimbabwe in 2001, focusing on the land question and farm workers. Reflections on conferences on Zimbabwe in Copenhagen and on farm workers in Southern Africa in Harare, with a section highlighting the ...

  • 11 June 2001

Introduction, policy issues on farm workers in the land reform discourse, current political realities, the fast track land reform programme, conclusion. SARPN Conference

  • 11 June 2001

Includes background on poverty and land, stated objectives of land reform, achievements under the land reform programme, gender considerations, the case of farm workers, lessons learnt, prospects for land reform, ...

  • 11 September 2000

Gives details on a province by province basis of the number of farm workers resettled in the current fast track resettlement programme in Zimbabwe. Argues that farm workers need to be considered in this programme ...

  • 11 July 2000

Examines the impact of the recent farm invasions in Zimbabwe. The independence compromises forced on Zimbabwe (and Namibia and South Africa) implied the legitimation of a century and more of past white land grabbing ...

  • 11 May 2000

The seizure of land by those with no legal title to it is what was done a thousand times over by pioneers, colonists and builders of empire. There is nothing new in the transformation of pirates into legitimate ...

  • 11 April 2000

A historical analysis of the current land invasion crisis, examining the chequered past of the white farmers. Contrasts the present situation with the eviction without compensation by whites of Chief Tangwenya and ...

  • 11 April 2000

Examines international evidence on the relationship between asset ownership and growth and the impact of redistributive land reform, plus evidence of the impact of land reform in Zimbabwe. Asks why it appears that ...

  • 11 March 2000

A Background Briefing covering the issue, the UK’s help for resettlement, Zimbabwe Government policies, UK land resettlement policy from 1997, DFID support for land resettlement – the way forward, other DFID ...

  • 11 March 2000

Factual summary of latest developments, including constitutional review, farm invasions, resettlement programme, land policy, maximum farm sizes. Also covers the background: September 1998 donors’ conference, ...