• 10 March 2002

Presentation to an international workshop on Making Land Rights More Secure held in Ouagadougou. Its main headings are: why discuss making land rights more secure?; legislation from Independence onwards; in the ...

  • 10 March 2002

Ensuring security for farmers is a fundamental economic, social and citizenship issue, raising institutional questions. There needs to be a break with inherited colonial legal dualism. Local management of land and ...

  • 10 May 2001

Report on meeting of core group of LandNet West Africa with representatives from Ghana, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Nigeria, Togo. Includes details of networking activities in these countries, lessons, successes and good ...

  • 10 May 2001

Contains introduction, progress and impacts since Addis Ababa, vision of LandNet West Africa, principles of operation, expected impacts, activities at sub-regional level.

  • 10 March 2001

Report of a Conference at the University of Manchester. Summarises papers by Phil Woodhouse on ‘African Enclosures – the Default Mode of Development’ and Camilla Toulmin on ‘Identifying a Research Agenda ...

  • 10 February 2001

Report of a workshop in Ouagadougou to launch LandNet West Africa. Contains context and objectives of the workshop; stakes of land policies and legislation in West Africa (including decentralisation and ...

  • 10 January 2001

Examines research in 4 semi-arid areas: Diourbel Region (Senegal), Maradi Department (Niger), the Kano hinterland (northern Nigeria) and Makueni District (Kenya). Presentation of main results of the research, ...

  • 10 December 2000

Contains objectives of West Africa LandNet and its activities since the Addis Ababa meeting in January 2000. Lists activities in Burkina Faso, Senegal, Nigeria, Togo, Mali and Guinea. Discusses communication ...

  • 10 February 1999

This workshop brought together 75 practitioners from all over Africa. This regional survey covers tenure problems in West Africa, state policy and the problem of tenure security, pilot land use management schemes, ...