• 10 August 2002

Includes historical background; customary land tenure; tenants; the customary system of land holding in Uganda today; legal provisions; provisions on equality and non-discrimination; lessons in the Ugandan ...

  • 10 January 2002

Includes background information; government policies on agriculture and land use; challenges in land planning; landlessness, investment and market driven land planning; the Uganda Land Alliance work on natural ...

  • 10 January 2002

A wide-ranging examination of the history of the land question in Uganda, and diagnosis of land policy development, principles, and implementation. Suggests a number of concrete policy guidelines for a future ...

  • 10 December 2000

Gives views of the Alliance on co-ownership in current controversy with the Vice-President. Mentions studies carried out by the Alliance and the Ministry of Lands. Concerned about government’s marginalisation of ...

  • 10 December 2000

Examines changes in management of customary tenure and how these have made women’s access to land more vulnerable. Recommends strategies for empowering women to have secure access rights and increase their tenure ...

  • 10 April 2000

Argues that using customary tenure as a basis for protecting women’s rights may be more effective than lobbying for reinsertion of the ‘lost’ co-ownership clause in the Uganda Land Act.

  • 10 September 1999

The Uganda Land Alliance was invited to the Kigali workshop to share Ugandan experiences with Rwandans. The paper covers the historical perspective to land reform in Uganda, land reform and salient features of the ...

  • 10 February 1998

An analysis of the style and content of Oxfam GB’s land advocacy work in Tanzania and Uganda, with some detailed history of Oxfam’s involvement in both countries.

  • 10 November 1997

Published as a pamphlet by the Uganda Land Alliance, this focuses on customary tenure and its conversion into titled land and the relevant rules to be applied. It suggests law makers lack interest in customary ...