• 10 February 1999

Article from his regular column in The African, in which Shivji discusses villagisation, land grabbing, village titling, dispute settlement, and radical title. Argues that MPs should be given a free vote of the Land ...

  • 10 February 1999

Issa Shivji is Professor of Law at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Executive Director of the Land Rights Research and Resources Institute (LARRRI) or Hakiardhi (in Swahili). He is an acknowledged ...

  • 10 January 1999

Looks at criteria for assessing the bills, problems of definition, alienation of land, titling and management of village land, dispute settlement, and validation of villagisation. Paper presented to the ...

  • 10 February 1998

An analysis of the style and content of Oxfam GB’s land advocacy work in Tanzania and Uganda, with some detailed history of Oxfam’s involvement in both countries.

  • 10 May 1997

Declaration issued at the end of a workshop intended for discussion by the public. Participants agreed to form a coalition, the National Land Forum. Contains a critique of the Bill for the Land Act, focusing on ...