• 10 June 2013

Through the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition, G8 countries are seeking to mobilise the private sector and multi-national corporations to boost African agriculture. Looks at how African countries are ...

  • 10 May 2013

Includes the challenges of data collection on foreign land deals in Tanzania and flaws in the documentation and reproduction of data. Concludes that the number of non-transparent projects remains high. Many biofuels ...

  • 10 September 2012

Includes situating the Tanzanian case, case studies of Diligent Tanzania Ltd and Multiflower Ltd, the TAHA-supported group-based approach, general findings from the focus groups and the iterative research approach, ...

  • 10 July 2012

Includes history of the Katumba settlement, lack of communication about relocation, refugee outlook, environmental impacts.

  • 10 December 2011

Includes introduction, context, land deals (extent, nature and origins), key issues (land availability, consultations, compensation, agrofuels), impacts (food security, water, social and political effects), ...

  • 10 November 2011

Includes study rationale and methodology; land acquisitions and agribusiness in Tanzania: a review of the literature; legal framework and the policy on land acquisition for agribusiness in Tanzania; acquisition of ...

  • 10 October 2011

Includes uneven implementation, to title or not to title?, a demand-driven land reform please, a decoupled land administration structure, don’t forget the villages, Tanzania’s new wave land reform, ...

  • 10 March 2011

Argues that protecting and enforcing the land rights of rural Africans may be best done by passing laws that elevate existing customary land rights into formal legal frameworks and making them equal to documented ...

  • 10 December 2010

Includes strategic plan for implementation of the land laws, implementation activities: setting up local land administrations and dispute mechanisms, lessons learned and challenges ahead.

  • 10 September 2010

Includes the elusive path to development; land rights in plural legal systems – customary land law, law reform as a mechanism for change, current challenges in using formal law to promote change, country case ...