• 31 March 2016

Large-scale agricultural investments impact upon men and women in different ways, yet women’s voices and interests are not always heard in decisions about land. How can women’s rights be strengthened ...

  • 10 May 2015

Since the global food crisis of 2008 the Tanzanian government has made food security through increases in agricultural productivity a policy priority. The emphasis is on commercialisation, with a particular focus on ...

  • 9 February 2015

Describes the work of the late Patrick McAuslan, international legal adviser on land. Covers contrary perspectives in Tanzania 1996-7; counterpoint in Uganda 1998-9; the land policy paper that never was Lesotho ...

  • 1 September 2014

Pastoral and agro-pastoral areas in eastern Africa and elsewhere have long been regarded as peripheries in economic terms and in terms of social and cultural accomplishments. Although biased perceptions of the ...

  • 10 May 2014

Improving women’s ability to securely access land is recognized as an effective means to increase gender equality and advance other key social and economic development goals. Despite progressive laws in many ...

  • 10 March 2014

There are gender-differentiated impacts when land is harnessed for commercial investment. Land policy needs to address the gendered nature of power relations within families and land tenure systems, and the ...

  • 9 February 2014

Argues the need for long term perspectives on implementing land reforms, to address people’s perceptions and practices, to decentralise authority to the local level, and to mainstream women’s rights into every ...

  • 10 December 2013

Tanzania’s land reform from 1999 has been evaluated as among the most gender-sensitive of its kind in sub-Saharan Africa. However there is a gap between the legal framework and what is happening on the ground. ...

  • 10 December 2013

Examines the role of development cooperation in land reforms and the extent to which donor organisations have addressed concerns related to gender equality. Reviews the reforms in 15 countries in Africa, Latin ...

  • 10 November 2013

Includes the impacts of failed large-scale investments: the case of Bioshape; Bioshape’s land acquisition process at the national, district and village level; the impacts of Bioshape’s investment in Kilwa; the ...