• 9 January 2012

Includes current trends � levels of activity, crops and markets, sources of investment, contract transparency, geographical distribution; focus of existing discourse; land and security; weaving land into ...

  • 9 December 2011

Includes country context, legal and institutional frameworks, 4 case studies. The new government of South Sudan has begun promoting large-scale private investments as a shortcut to rapid economic development. Recent ...

  • 9 April 2011

A surprising number of large-scale land acquisitions have taken place in Southern Sudan in recent years. Presents preliminary data on Central and Western Equatoria, examining company-community engagement and the ...

  • 9 September 2010

Examines progress made on land related provisions in the 2005 Sudan Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) with special reference to Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile states in central Sudan. Includes history of the land ...

  • 10 October 2009

Includes Sudan – complex and hesitant land policy reforms in a dynamic post conflict environment; Burkina Faso – inclusive decision making and consensus building on land policy; Mozambique – ...

  • 9 July 2008

Addresses the tenure fate of three commons: the 30 million hectares of pasture lands of Afghanistan which represent 45 percent of the total land area and are key to livelihood and water catchment in that exceedingly ...

  • 9 February 2008

Contains introduction; resources and civil war in South Sudan; the Sudanese Peoples’ Liberation Movement and the land question; issues for discussion and further study; the future of customary tenure; conclusions.

  • 9 December 2007

Contains background, key actors and institutions, key problems and risks, possible scenarios, main recommendations.

  • 16 February 1998

Examines women’s land and property rights in Kenya, Sudan and Ethiopia. Considers the legal and other impediments hindering these rights in situations of conflict and reconstruction. Outlines the practical ...