• 10 June 2007

Includes large refugee returns to a small country, land access for returnees, re-establishing security of tenure, key lessons, land sharing, remembering the 1994-5 return, the Pinheiro Principles.

  • 10 October 2006

Examines critical land issues and land related problems; the National Land Policy in the context of the national development agenda; global experiences and best practices in land reforms and implementing land ...

  • 10 October 2006

Has 3 main chapters: land tenure security and poverty reduction; access to land problem in Rwanda; a background (land-tenure systems, land scarcity and environmental degradation, land distribution); issues of tenure ...

  • 10 January 2006

Case study includes conceptual framework, rationale for land reform in Rwanda, assessment of choices, implementation. Highlights from the thematic dialogue include discussions on participation, decision making for ...

  • 10 September 2005

Covers orphans in Africa; the problem of guardianship; the Rwandan setting; post-war situation of orphans; children and the law(s); orphans’ efforts to assert land rights – land dispute cases; rethinking ...

  • 10 March 2005

Reviews evidence from Rwanda, Burundi and Democratic Republic of Congo to draw out the main roles that access to land has played in initiating, fuelling or perpetuating conflict, and to draw out policy conclusions. ...

  • 10 November 2004

Presentation of 5 brief case studies of what Oxfam actually did with regards land in post-conflict situations in Africa, in Zimbabwe, Mozambique, South Africa, Rwanda and Angola, concluding with the common themes, ...

  • 10 November 2004

Contains sections on the effects on women of Rwanda’s civil war, the legal system, the gap between customary law and land legislation, research findings about Rwandan women’s rights, a number of dispute case ...

  • 10 October 2004

Contains introduction; conflict in Rwanda; background to the development of the draft land policy; the context: land scarcity and distribution; aims and modalities of the draft land policy – consolidation, ...

  • 10 February 2003

An introduction, overview and historical section is followed by sections on Rwanda’s Land Policy and law, outlining main problems identified and policy objectives. Includes the nature of land rights, registration, ...