• 11 February 2020

Looks at the dynamics of environmental displacement, land rights and conflict in the aftermath of the Cyclone Idai in Mozambique in March 2019, and at the role of international and national legal frameworks in ...

  • 20 January 2020

Offers an account of the experiences of three LEGEND projects in addressing land tenure and government issues that emerged in large-scale investment projects which stemmed from insufficient attention to pre-existing ...

  • 15 December 2019

Land investments involve the acquisition of land and natural resources, usually by companies, for business ventures, agriculture and other purposes.  This paper presents eight practical lessons on cross-cutting ...

  • 21 November 2019

From 2009-2015 Namati and partners CTV in Mozambique, LEMU in Uganda and SDI in Liberia supported more than 100 communities to document and protect their customary land rights. In late 2017 Namati evaluated the ...

  • 26 June 2019

Reflects on the experience of DFID land programmes which include land tenure regularisation (LTR) across six countries (Guyana, Rwanda, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Mozambique), drawing wherever possible on ...

  • 28 May 2019

The globally driven acquisition of land puts rural farmers across the globe at risk and Africa is the hotspot of global land grabbing. Shows the ongoing work of the Remote Sensing Research Group (RSRG), University ...

  • 3 March 2019

A new wave of agricultural commercialisation is being promoted across Africa’s eastern seaboard, by a broad range of influential actors – from international corporations to domestic political and business ...

  • 10 August 2018

In 2008, the world food crisis shifted agricultural investment to countries with productive land and cheap labour. The Nacala Corridor, one of the most fertile and populated areas of Mozambique, was heavily ...

  • 20 July 2018

The Netherlands Land Academy (LANDac), the Food & Business Knowledge Platform, CIFOR and Shared Value Foundation (SVF) jointly set out in 2017 to design and implement 3 multi-stakeholder Learning Platforms ...

  • 20 July 2018

Indigenous and community lands, crucial for rural livelihoods, are typically held under informal customary arrangements. This can leave the land vulnerable to outside commercial interests, so communities may seek to ...