Public policy and management

Mokoro has been supporting governments and development institutions in policy development and systems reform for over thirty years. Our approach recognises that effective reform is context-sensitive, and that reforming systems is necessarily both a technical and a political process; specialists can support technical processes but political processes must be driven by local actors.

Our consultants have broad expertise in all aspects of public financial management (PFM), including the design and implementation of medium-term expenditure frameworks, sector-based and performance-oriented programme budgeting, and expenditure management and oversight. We are experienced in undertaking Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) assessments, public expenditure reviews (PERs) and fiduciary risk assessments.

We also bring a deep understanding of PFM reforms in decentralized contexts, for example in Uganda, Ethiopia, DRC and South Sudan, where our consultants have been involved in assignments spanning many years, and covering several sectors.

Our recent work has included the development of a framework and methodology for financial benchmarking for child protection (this included testing and piloting the approach at national and sub-national levels and providing a manual for global roll-out). We have also undertaken several studies for CABRI (the Collaborative Africa Budget Reform Initiative) – including developing alternatives to the PFM indicator of the Busan Monitoring Framework for measuring countries’ PFM systems. We also have substantial experience in the research and assessment of the use of country systems across Africa.

Our clients have included CABRI, Danida, DFID, the EC, Irish Aid, PEFA Steering Committee, Sida, UNICEF, and the World Bank.

Mokoro’s core consultants working in this field are:

Principal Consultant

Principal Consultant

Principal Consultant

Principal Consultant and Director

Principal Consultant

Principal Consultant and Director

Principal Consultant and Director

Principal Consultant