WFP Country Strategic Plan Evaluation, Timor-Leste
WFP, Timor-Leste
Mokoro was contracted by the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) to carry out the evaluation of its Country Strategic Plan (CSP) in Timor-Leste. The evaluation served the dual objective of providing evidence and learning on WFP’s performance in the country and providing accountability to WFP stakeholders at country and global levels. The evaluation was also intended to inform the development of the next CSP. This evaluation was not only important for WFP in Timor-Leste, but also contributed to overall learning about the implementation of the CSP concept. The first CSP for Timor-Leste covered the period 2018-2020. To capture the transition from previous operations, the evaluation also covered WFP’s activities in Timor-Leste in the period 2015-2017. It was carried out in advance of CSP completion so as to feed into preparation of the next CSP.
A Mokoro team led by Stephen Turner conducted the evaluation. The core team consisted of experienced evaluators and thematic experts in nutrition and gender. A gender-responsive methodology was developed to produce evidence to answer the four main evaluation questions: the strategic relevance of WFP’s performance in Timor-Leste; the extent and quality of WFP’s specific contribution to CSP strategic outcomes in the country; the efficiency of WFP’s resource use in implementing the CSP; and the wide range of factors explaining WFP performance and the extent to which it had made the required strategic shift. A comprehensive evaluability assessment was conducted during the inception phase in order to understand and adapt the approach to the institutional challenges experienced in the transition to the CSP.
The team collected evidence through document and database analysis, key informant interviews, workshops, and site visits. Fieldwork was conducted in November/December 2019. The final outputs were a stakeholder learning workshop and an evaluation report.