Vietnam Fiduciary Risk Assessment
Labour and occupational safety and health
Danida, Vietnam
In 2009 Vietnam developed a new Business Sector Programme Support (BSPS) aimed at strengthening the competitiveness of Vietnamese growth and export-oriented enterprises in order to create decent jobs. The second objective of the programme deals with improving labour conditions in private enterprises. Weaknesses in the Vietnam’s PFM systems necessitated a fiduciary risk assessment in order to expose any challenges that this programme would be exposed to.
Mokoro associate, Mark Minford, assessed and provided recommendations on how to strengthen the financial management capacity of partner agencies in the National Programme on Labour Protection and Occupational Safety and Health by identifying appropriate financial management safeguards and triggers.
The risk assessment was undertaken by reviewing existing PFM institutions and procedures, identifying fiduciary risk mitigation measures and need for capacity development support as well as assessing the feasibility of programme budget support.