Use of Country System Inventory for Liberia’s New Deal

UNDP, Liberia

The New Deal was adopted by Liberia and other members of the international community through the Fourth High Level Forum in Busan in 2011, with the aim of accelerating the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.

Mokoro provided a team to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the current use of country systems in Liberia, and opportunities for growth, in preparation of the development and signing of a New Deal Compact.

The purpose of the inventory was four-fold: i) to assess development partners’ (DP)  current use of country systems in Liberia as defined by OECD/DAC and New Deal guidelines; ii) to determine how and where DP’s can increase their use of country systems in the short- and medium-term, across the full cycle of PFM systems, based on individual DP’s requirements, capacities, and constraints; iii) to identify options for increased donor coordination on use of country systems; and iv) to identify the challenges/obstacles that the Government of Liberia need to address in order for donors to be able to increase their use of country systems, with reference to ongoing reforms in line with Liberian PFM Reform Strategy and Action Plan.

The people behind the project

Principal Consultant

Stephanie Allan