Support to the Cambodia National Adaptation Plan Process and Financing Plan

GIZ, Cambodia

GIZ in cooperation with USAID has supported the National Council for Sustainable Development (NCSD) of the Royal Government of Cambodia in institutionalizing Cambodia’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process with a specific focus on the financing strategy. GIZ also agreed to support the improved mainstreaming of climate change into two line ministries planning and budgeting processes.

The overall objectives of the NAP process are:

  • To take a medium- and long-term approach to reducing vulnerability to the adverse effects of climate change, by building adaptive capacity and resilience.
  • To facilitate the integration of climate change adaptation into relevant new and existing policies, programmes and activities, and in particular into development planning processes and strategies within relevant sectors and at different levels.

The immediate objectives were to:

  • Support the NCSD in developing a financing strategy for the NAP implementation, including a short-, medium-, and long-term implementation plan
  • Ensure that the climate change dimension is recognized explicitly in Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Health budget submissions for 2018

Mokoro Principal Consultant, Ray Purcell, provided support to the preparation of the Cambodia Climate Change National Adaptation Plan (NAP) and also provided support to climate change planning and budgeting in the Ministries of Health and Environment.

Ray worked with national colleague Kakada Dourng on this assignment.

The people behind the project

Project leader: Ray Purcell

Principal Consultant