Support to Rwanda’s Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy
Government of Rwanda, Rwanda
The main goal of the Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS 2) is to provide a better quality of life for all Rwandans, and in doing so, to uplift Rwanda to middle-income country status by 2020.
Mokoro provided Principal consultant, Ray Purcell, to produce the strategy document in line with international standards of development policy documents. The Rwandan Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MINECOFIN) and the Ministry of National Development and Planning Research (NDPR) identified potential thematic areas to be central to EDPRS development and reflect the emerging priorities for Rwanda if it is to attain middle income status.
The four thematic areas focused on were Economic Transformation for Rapid Growth; Rural Development; Productivity and Youth Employment Creation; and Accountable Governance.