SUN ExCom Facilitation
SUN Movement Executive Comittee, Global
Adam Leach joined this two person team to make recommendations and guide the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) in determining the Movement strategy, capabilities and structure for the next phase of the Movement (2021-25). The Strategic Review involved: identifying major external trends that shape the landscape in which the SUN Movement should operate; identifying the SUN Movement’s current and future key value-added; and making recommendations on how the SUN Movement needs to change its vision, strategy, capabilities, skills, and structure to support countries to achieve improved nutrition results on the ground.
Mokoro partnered with NutritionWorks on this assignment to provide technical and strategic support to the SUN Executive Committee. Crucial aspects of the work included: providing support to the ExCom through virtual, extended workshops over several months (replacing a 3-day retreat), consulting with ExCom and Lead Group members, and collating responses from key consultations within the SUN Movement. The extended workshops, which resulted in agreement of the new Strategy by the Lead Group. To conclude the work the team then supported further consultation of outcomes and recommendations on Next Steps for implementation of the Strategy, and having enabled a process for ExCom management.