Stocktake on donor Approaches to managing risk when using country systems

DFID, Multi country

Development cooperation requires risks to be taken. This study focuses on the particular risks and associated development benefits of using country systems to deliver aid.

Mokoro consultants, Stephen Lister and Rebecca Carter, collaborated with the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) to produce a stocktake paper which identified and analysed donor approaches to managing risks when using country systems. The report looked at the benefits of using country systems recognized by donors and the different types of relationships between risks and benefits.

The stocktake was commissioned by DFID to feed into the OECD DAC Joint Venture on Public Financial Management’s report for the Accra High Level Forum. The objective of the report was to help donors identify opportunities to strengthen and harmonise their reliance on country systems within the parameters set by different accountabilities which donors face.

The people behind the project

Principal Consultant and Director

Rebecca Carter