Sri Lanka Country Portfolio Evaluation 2011-2015
WFP, Sri Lanka
Country Portfolio Evaluations (CPE) encompass the entirety of WFP’s activities during a specific period and serve the dual objectives of accountability and learning. Mokoro provided a multi-disciplinary team to conduct an evaluation of WFP’s portfolio in Sri Lanka over the period 2011-2015. It assessed WFP’s alignment and strategic positioning, the influencing factors and quality of strategic decision-making, and portfolio performance and results. The CPE was timed to assist the Country Office in its next round of strategic planning and in designing the operation that will succeed the present Country Programme (2016–2017). An understanding of how WFP adapted to Sri Lanka’s transition process also had lesson-learning objectives at the corporate level.
The evaluators were asked to pay special attention to the implementation of the humanitarian principles and to the analytical underpinning for the assessment of cash-based transfers.
The field work took place over three weeks in July 2016 and the final report was published in February 2017.