Review of findings from Nigeria evaluations

Global Affairs Canada, Nigeria

To support the planning of an upcoming evaluation of the Global Affairs Canada’s (GAC) international assistance in Nigeria, a Mokoro team, led by Adam Leach, were commissioned to carry out a literature review of findings and lessons learned arising from donor evaluations of official development assistance (ODA) programmes and projects in Nigeria.

The paper addressed a series of questions on the results, learning, impacts and sustainability of donor programming in the country, particularly focusing on the following thematic areas: health outcomes for mothers, new-borns and children; sexual and reproductive rights of women and girls; and sustainable economic growth. It also considered the factors that promote the agility and responsiveness of donor programming in Nigeria, and their influence on opportunities in Nigeria, as well as summarising shifts in donor priorities for ODA in Nigeria.

The desk review largely focused on thematic evaluations, country programme evaluations, and project evaluations of the principal and multilateral donors, as well as observations and lessons learned from other programme plans and strategies. As far as possible, peer reviewed journal articles, pertinent grey literature, internet sites, and other academic sources, were used.

The people behind the project

Project leader: Adam Leach


Principal Consultant and Director