Micro-projects programme in Swaziland

EC, Swaziland

Since the end of 2007, the Government of Swaziland (GoS) has funded a Micro-Projects Programme (MPP). The programme was quickly recognised by the government as being successful in its objective to implement small projects quickly and efficiently. The second funding period, 2009-2010, therefore saw an increase in budget allocation to the MPP for implementing small capital projects on behalf of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health.

This necessitated an increase organisational capacity in order for all the GoS funded capital projects to be implemented in a timely fashion. Mokoro Principal Consultant, Peter Oates, undertook a study to determine the most suitable legal arrangement to facilitate co-ordination and implementation of the MPP and to also determine the most suitable organisational arrangement.

The study proposed recommendations for a new structure and staffing to implement new programme components and also analysed options for a new legal status as a potentially semi-autonomous public enterprise.

The people behind the project

Project leader: Peter Oates