External evaluation of PROLINNOVA

PROLINNOVA, Multi country

PROLINNOVA (Promote local innovation in ecologically-oriented agriculture and Natural Resources Management) is an NGO-initiated global learning network. The aim of the network is to recognise the dynamics of local knowledge and enhance capacities of farmers to adjust to change and develop their own site-appropriate systems and institutions of resource management, so as to gain food security, sustain livelihoods and safeguard the environment.

PROLINNOVA adopts a participatory approach to sustainable natural resource management and agriculture and by 2008 was operating in nine countries with two years left to complete its then-current funding cycle. It was therefore deemed a pertinent time for an external evaluation to assess to what extent PROLINNOVA is achieving its goal of mainstreaming participatory approaches in sustainable Natural Resources Management and sustainable agriculture.

Mokoro provided the team leader for this external evaluation. The assignment included visits to Uganda and Nepal. The objective of the evaluation was to critically take stock of progress and achievements of PROLINNOVA and to provide inputs aimed at strengthening and improving its operations going forward.