Evaluation of Sector Approach under IPA II assistance
EC, Multi-Country
The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) is the main EU financial instrument providing support to beneficiary countries for implementation of reforms, with a view to EU membership. The Sector Approach process introduced for IPA II aims to broaden national ownership of public sector policy and resource allocation decisions within each focus sector. It aims to increase coherence between sector policy, government expenditures and the results achieved. Candidate and potential candidate countries receiving support under IPA II were Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey.
The evaluation of the Sector Approach complemented the IPA II mid-term review, which was conducted simultaneously. The evaluation followed a theory-based approach, applying an intervention logic model. It used contribution analysis to understand the processes and mechanisms, and any added value of the sector approach. Country-level sector case studies in Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey covered a range of sectors and themes.
Mokoro provided Javier Pereira to join a DAI-led consortium team. Javier analysed relevant literature and statistical data, participated in data collection through a survey and in person, and contributed to all assignment reports. Stephen Lister provided quality management services to the consortium team.
The evaluation team recommended the continued prioritisation of sector reforms in accession negotiations, focusing on the development of political commitment and institutional capacity building. They also made a series of recommendations for the involvement of citizens in candidate countries, including supporting the participation of civil-society organisations and provision of public information; for improving sector-level support; and for enhancing efficiency and improving aid modalities through increased flexibility and the simplification of procedures.