Evaluation of Irish Aid’s food security and capacity building programmes

Irish Aid, Ethiopia

The goal of the Irish Aid “Operational Research for Food Security and Capacity Building” programmes in Tigray and the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ (SNNPR) regions of Ethiopia was to contribute to improving food security and reducing poverty through promoting sustainable livelihoods and reversing environmental degradation.

This was achieved through conducting joint (inter-institutional) multi-disciplinary, farmer-centred and community-oriented operational research leading to increased agricultural production and food security and reduced environmental degradation in marginal watersheds.

This final evaluation of the programme was undertaken by a two-person Mokoro team, led by principal Consultant Ray Purcell. The evaluation report was based on a comprehensive desk review, key informant interviews, a survey amongst primary beneficiaries and change stories from primary beneficiaries.

The people behind the project

Project leader: Ray Purcell

Principal Consultant

Roman Moges Asefaha