Developing natural resources and environmental programme

Sida, Rwanda

With financial support from Sweden (Sida), the Government of Rwanda, through the Ministry of Natural Resources (MINIRENA), has identified key priority programmes within the general framework of implementing its sectoral policies and strategies in the sector of natural resources and the environment. These components are; effective land management and administration, environmental protection and forestry development.

MINIRENA, with the support of Sida, has started to develop a comprehensive Programme Document clearly defining the activities to be undertaken by these three components. As part of this, Mokoro Principal Consultant, Martin Adams, joined a NIRAS team to examine options for a new rural development programme and present detailed recommendations on programme design, consistent with requirements and capacity of the partners. Martin also provided assistance with drafting project documentation for submission to Sida.

The aim of these programmes is to enable to MINIRENA to achieve and meet development goals, notably though the Millennium development Goals and the Economic Development and Poverty reduction Strategy (2008-2012), and to ensure sustainable socio-economic development of Rwanda.

The people behind the project

Project leader: Martin Adams

Principal Consultant