Developing an assessment framework and a compendium of good practices on aid predictability

World Bank, Global

The objective of this work was to develop an assessment framework and compendium of good practices on aid predictability.

Mokoro provided a team led by Principal Consultant, Stephen Lister. The aim of the work was (i) to identify policy and institutional/operational impediments of donor and partner countries for improving aid predictability at the country level; (ii) gather and disseminate good practices that demonstrate success with how donors and partner countries are finding ways to address the predictability issue; (iii) identify political and technical impediments to improve aid predictability, and; (iv) suggest ways for improvements for both donors and partner countries, short and long term.

The first stage of work involved a desk review of literature on aid predictability with the objective of providing an assessment framework for defining good (or bad) practices on donors and partner countries including providing a definition on aid predictability, especially medium term predictability. The second stage of the assignment was the preparation of a compendium of good practices on donors and partner countries based on case studies assessed using the framework prepared at the first stage.

The people behind the project

Project leader: Stephen Lister

Principal Consultant and Director

Mailan Chiche, Liv Bjornestad