Design of the Peace and Development Programme

Economic opportunities for excluded groups component

DFID, Ethiopia

The new Peace and Development Programme (PDP) in Ethiopia aims to address under-development and conflict in the Developing Regional States, with particular focus on the Somali Region.

Two Mokoro consultants supported DFID in the design of the PDP, specifically focusing on the design of the ‘Economic Opportunities for Excluded Groups’ component. The assignment involved scoping current activity by international donors, the government and local providers in livelihood development in the Somali region, and assessing options for improving economic opportunities for excluded groups in order to design the economic opportunities component for integration into the PDP.

Through desk research the consultants examined the economic opportunities that exist for excluded groups, assessed the policy frameworks that influence the behaviour of these groups and reviewed livelihood interventions in the Somali region, mapping all key stakeholders. Through a field visit, the team assessed viabilities of options for livelihood interventions by examining on-going programmes in the areas of livelihoods and consulting with key partners and stakeholders.

The people behind the project

Principal Consultant

James Muli Musinga