Design of aid instrument to support education decentralisation in Ethiopia

Irish Aid, Ethiopia

Ethiopia has been implementing decentralisation reforms since 1991 which has recast local governance as an increasingly important institution. The success of the policy therefore depends heavily on the competence of local actors, particularly in the education sector. Strategies have therefore been implemented which promote community participation in education.

Mokoro Principal Consultant, Catherine Dom, carried out a study for Irish Aid to identify financing options for the Education Sector Development Programme (ESDP). The aim was to conduct a macroeconomic and sectoral analysis of the education sector and to propose a menu of financing options to support the ESDP.

This work involved providing inputs into the design of complementary budget support instruments to support decentralized basic service delivery, for consideration by the Government and development partners. This entailed detailed analyses of relevant options for channelling funds at local levels while taking full account of institutional and organisational characteristics of the Ethiopian government system (federal arrangements and woreda-level decentralisation).

The people behind the project

Principal Consultant