Cambodia Integrated Fiduciary Assessment and Public Expenditure Review

World Bank, Cambodia

The Government of Cambodia (GoC) carried out an Integrated Fiduciary Assessment and Public Expenditure Review (IFAPER) in partnership with the World Bank. The IFAPER aimed to assess progress in implementation of the overall Public Financial Management (PFM) Reform Programme as well as appraising the current public finance situation, in order to inform ongoing development proposals and to develop a strategy for substantive progress towards increased efficacy of public expenditure.

Considering the importance of the Cambodian agricultural sector in terms of national GDP and labour force, it was proposed that one component of the IFAPER would be a review on agricultural and rural development expenditure.

Mokoro provided two Principal Consultants to a team to undertake this agricultural public expenditure review. The focus was on the three areas of agriculture, rural roads & irrigation and water management. This review included trends, allocation and efficiency of public expenditure with the aim to provide policy recommendations to enable more effective and efficient use of resources.

The people behind the project

Principal Consultant

Kit Nicholson