Cambodia climate change planning and budget reform

UNDP, Cambodia

Cambodia is consistently ranked as one of the ten countries most vulnerable to climate change, and one of the three most vulnerable in Asia. Due to the potential impacts of climate change on the Cambodian economy (in particular relating to the agricultural sector), it is essential that climate-related expenditures be managed in the most efficient and effective way.

Given the importance of agriculture and natural resources management in the climate change response, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) has developed a five-year Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (2014-18), and put in place a dedicated Working Group on Climate Change to coordinate its response. Mokoro’s Principal Consultant, Ray Purcell, supported this process. The main objective of the consultancy was to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of climate public expenditure under MAFF and to support the mobilization of corresponding resources through the strengthening of MAFF capacities and skills.

Specifically, the consultant reviewed and supported MAFF’s budget submission to the Ministry of Economy and Finance for the 2016 fiscal year budget, piloting a proposed methodology and helping to ensure that the climate change dimension was considered explicitly in the budget planning process. The work also provided evidence to prioritise climate change budgets and guided the MAFF Working Group on integrated planning and budgeting related to climate change.

The people behind the project

Principal Consultant