Open Public Consultation period begins for the 11th EDF evaluation report
20 February 2017
The draft final report of the Performance Review of the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) has been published on the European Commission’s (EC) website for a 12-week Open Public Consultation (OPC) period. The OPC is an opportunity for stakeholders in beneficiary and EU countries to provide feedback on the findings and conclusions from the evaluation. The EDF evaluation is one of nine evaluations taking place in parallel of the suite of EC’s External Financing Instruments (EFI) which are in operation under the EU’s current Multiannual Financing Framework (2014-2020). While the EDF sits outside this framework as it is not funded from the EU budget, it covers the same programming period and has therefore been included in the same evaluation and consultation process. A further reason for this consultation is therefore to gather preliminary ideas for the next generation of EFIs.
The evaluation of the EDF is being undertaken by a DAI-led consortium with Mokoro as the technical lead. Mokoro consultants involved are Muriel Visser (Team Leader), Karolyn Thunnissen, Stephen Lister, Matthew Smith and Fran Girling. The evaluation has involved documentation review, extensive interviews, data analysis, eight country case studies as well as the preparation of three reports (inception report, desk report and draft final report). Following the OPC and the translation of submitted feedback, the final evaluation report will be prepared for completion in Summer 2017.
The period of consultation is 7 February – 3 May 2017. Go to the reports