Mokoro holds seminar in Oxford to share initial WOLTS findings
18 September 2017
On Friday 1 September Mokoro was pleased to host several members of the WOLTS team, including partners from Mongolia and Tanzania, at our seminar in Oxford to share initial findings from the WOLTS project. WOLTS is Mokoro’s long-term, multi-country and action-oriented strategic research project on Women’s Land Tenure Security, which began almost two years ago. The team have so far focused on the effects of mining on pastoralist communities in Tanzania and Mongolia, and is seeking to help secure land rights for all vulnerable people. You can read more about WOLTS here.
The seminar was chaired by Dr. Elizabeth Daley, Mokoro Principal Consultant and the WOLTS Team Leader, and included presentations on the project’s rigorous research methodology and on some of the initial findings from our work in four communities in Mongolia and Tanzania. We were delighted to welcome as speakers Ms. Narangerel Yansanjav and Ms. Lkhamdulam Natsagdorj from People Centered Conservation in Mongolia, as well as Mr. Amani Mustafa Mhinda and Ms. Joyce Ndakaru from HakiMadini in Tanzania. We were also very pleased to have Mokoro team members Ms. Zoe Driscoll, Mr. Jim Grabham and Ms. Kristina Lanz speaking at the event.
The presentations from our seminar will be published on our WOLTS webpage later this year; the agenda and speaker information has already been posted to our seminar page.