Christine Fenning attends UKFIET conference on inclusive education
24 September 2019
From 17-19 September Christine Fenning attended this year’s UKFIET conference about Inclusive Education Systems: futures, fallacies and finance. Strategic Development Goal (SDG) 4.5 calls for countries to “eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and children in vulnerable situations”. Over 700 participants working in the education sector came together to think about the challenges and opportunities and how systems could be reformed to enable them to provide quality inclusive education and training for all. Presentations and workshops were organised around six thematic strands:
1. Future directions in inclusive education systems
2. Problematising inclusive systems
3. Education financing for global equity and inclusion
4. Education technology and data science for inclusive systems
5. Education system actors: strengthening inclusive practice
6. System responses to conflict and crises.
The three days provided a lot of food for thought and inspiration. Watch out for an article in our next newsletter.