State of Land Information in Madagascar

September 2023
D. Fitzpatrick, F. Rafininarinharina, F. Ramamonjy, C-T. Bayer, M. de los Santos, J. Diaz, M. Flores, J. Rojas and K. Booth (Land Portal)

This State of Land Information (SOLI) report from the Land Portal assesses the state of land data in Madagascar against principles of land data openness, land information availability and accessibility, and overall good land governance. The report is one of a series produced by the Land Portal, featuring in-depth analysis of country level land information and making recommendations for targeted interventions to improve compliance with international open data standards. The report identifies that land legislation establishes fragmented land data and information in Madagascar, despite the country’s Constitutional commitment to “transparent administration of information concerning land” (Art. 34). The most important land data stakeholder is identified as the Ministry of Territorial Planning and Services (MASTF), which delivers land certificates. The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development manages forests and protected areas, and the Ministry of Mining and Strategic Resources manages mining licences. The report examines the availability of land data and information they provide according to six key land data categories. Madagascar’s legal framework for data governance and for opening up information is reviewed, and Madagascar’s international and national commitments to access to information and its instruments for data and information governance are examined. The report concludes with an evaluation of the openness of land data and information in Madagascar by assessing it against 10 international best practice criteria. Much data is not available online, and there is limited to no use of metadata and data standards. The report concludes that, overall, land data in Madagascar is often incomplete and inaccurate, with a large percentage of land data either not available or requiring improvement to meet open data standards. Madagascar’s overall score is Slightly Open. A detailed Open Data Action Framework is offered to provide practical guidance for the Government of Madagascar to help with promoting collaboration and stakeholder capacity for improving the management, utility and accessibility of land data in the country.