Land Inequality Trends and Drivers

March 2020
Marc C.A. Wegerif and Arantza Guereña (Land, 2020, 9,101)

Explores land inequality based on a wide scoping of available information and identifies the main trends and their drivers. What can be seen globally is a growing concentration of land in larger holdings leaving the majority of farmers with less land. Elites and large corporations are appropriating more of the value within the agri-food sector. Political power is used to influence land administration regimes, justice systems and marketing and financial services. Economic elites use their wealth and political power to influence public policy or directly take up powerful political positions in order to maintain their privileges. So landed elites are in a position to promote policies in local, national, and international spaces that will not only protect them and their land and wealth, but also enable further accumulation of wealth and power. Most states are engaged in a ‘race to the bottom’ to try and attract investors by pandering to the demands of corporations and elites, while neglecting the rights and needs of the majority. Land redistribution policies and programmes are needed now as much as ever.