Ethiopia regional decentralisation studies

Tigray and Amhara Regions

Irish Aid, Sida, Ethiopia

Ethiopia has been implementing decentralisation reforms since 1991 which has recast local governance as an increasingly important institution. These studies, funded by the Irish and Swedish governments, focused on two major regions of Ethiopia which are severely afflicted by poverty (Tigray and Amhara) to assess the impact of decentralisation.

A two person team, including Principal Consultant, Catherine Dom, carried out a series of decentralisation studies including sample surveys in sentinel woredas (four in Tigray, six in Amhara Region). The objective of the study was to provide a snapshot of developments and trends regarding Ethiopia’s Decentralisation Policy. The findings and conclusions were intended to broaden the knowledge base regarding the Government’s institutional reform initiatives and to feed into the policy dialogue at regional and federal levels. The report served as a baseline against which to measure progress in implementing the Decentralization Policy and programme and their impacts.

These studies provided a deeper understanding of regional, woreda and local dynamics (intra and inter-government level relationships, role of and government relations with communities and so on) and how this affects the operationalisation of the Ethiopian government country-wide policies and programmes.

The people behind the project

Principal Consultant