Evaluation of the Danish Aid programme to Uganda

Danida, Uganda

Danish bilateral assistance to Uganda resumed in 1987 and by the beginning of the 90s Uganda was the second largest receiver of Danish aid. Danish support has shifted from a focus on stand-alone projects to a more programmatic approach, focusing on four sectors: agriculture, health, water and sanitation, and roads. A new strategy for 2004-08 was approved in 2003 by the Board of Danida, linking the assistance much closer to Uganda’s poverty reduction strategy, and introducing budget support.

Mokoro provided an evaluation team, led by Stephen Lister, to assess the achievements of Denmark’s development cooperation with Uganda against the overall development objective of poverty reduction.

The evaluation covered the period 1987 to 2005 and included a consideration of the extent to which cross-cutting issues were addressed, as well as the sustainability of the assistance and the extent to which it had strengthened the organisational capacity of relevant national and local authorities or organisations.

The people behind the project

Project leader: Stephen Lister

Principal Consultant and Director

Principal Consultant

Trish Silkin, Adam Pain, Wilson Baryabanoha, Lawrence Bategeka, Poul Buch-Hansen, Richard Johnson, Charles Lwanga-Ntale, Milton Ogeda, May Sengendo, Brian Van Arkadie, Veronica Walford, Andy Batkin, Rebecca Carter