Evaluation of PEMPAL

World Bank, Multi country

The Public Expenditure Management Peer-Assisted Learning network (PEMPAL) represents a multilateral effort to develop capacity and share reform experiences among countries in Central Asia and Central and Eastern Europe. The initiative responds to concerns that many governments are not spending their resources as effectively and transparently as they might and that institutional controls on public expenditures have room for improvement.

Mokoro Principal Consultant, Alta Fölscher, carried out an interim evaluation of PEMPAL, against the specific background of transition in the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Region in 2008. The evaluation responded to the demand of a better understanding of the value of the peer learning approach and the use of benchmarking of specific segments of public financial management in the participating countries.

The evaluation assessed improvements in public expenditure management in participating countries and the extent to which, and how, PEMPAL was achieving a positive impact for participants. The evaluation also assessed the sustainability of PEMPAL’s activities in the likelihood of a reduction of financial support from donors.

The people behind the project

Principal Consultant