European parliament study of ‘The Use and Monitoring of Budget Support’

European Parliament, Multi country

The objective of this study was to provide recommendations and guidelines of both a technical and political nature to ensure effective parliamentary oversight of aid channelled through budget support. The recommendations and guidelines drew on research in five donor countries on practices with regards to how budget support is selected as the aid modality of choice, as well as how it is monitored.

A three-person Mokoro team undertook a comparative analysis of the use and monitoring of budget support by five selected donor/agencies and their corresponding Parliaments. The analysis covered decision-making procedures, risk assessment and monitoring and evaluation. This involved the development of guidelines and recommendations to improve effective parliamentary oversight of budget support.

The study was made up of two parts; firstly through an overview of the use of budget support by OECD/DAC countries and secondly, through interviews with key informants in the five selected countries.

The people behind the project

Principal Consultant

Ann Bartholomew, Rebecca Carter