Agriculture sector Public Expenditure Review

World Bank, Kazakhstan

The World Bank has been engaged with the Kazakh Government in the area of public finance through a programmatic Public Expenditure Review (PER). In 2009 the work included a review of two sectors, Health and Agriculture.

Mokoro Principal Consultant, Ray Purcell, was responsible for the budget expenditure and budget process analysis for the agriculture sector PER.

The objective of the PER was to provide an assessment of the state of budgeting, budget execution and management in agriculture and to form concrete recommendations for improving and increasing the efficiency of budgetary management and execution. The study also looked at the extent to which public spending in the agricultural sector is aligned to policies which promote sector growth. This fed into support to the preparation of the government’s budgetary reform, including the gradual introduction of results-based budgeting to serve as a vehicle for linking policy priorities with the allocation of resources through the budget.

The people behind the project

Principal Consultant