Local development Good Practice Note

Irish Aid, Multi country

POVNET, the Network on Poverty Reduction established by the OECD Development Assistance Committee, is a community of practice and a source of expertise on understanding and tackling poverty, which seeks to build a common understanding on how donors can best contribute to poverty reduction. POVNET has developed the DAC Guidelines on Poverty Reduction providing guidance on the understanding of poverty and good practice in addressing it.

POVNET’s current work-programme for the biennium 2009-2010 is focussed on developing guidance for DAC donors on how their aid and their engagements with partner Governments, institutions and citizens can be made more effective and supportive of poor peoples’ empowerment as a means of advancing pro-poor growth. Part of the guidance takes the form of a series of Good Practice Notes (GPM) on empowerment approaches in different contexts and sectors.

Mokoro Principal Consultant, Catherine Dom, formulated a GPN on Empowerment in Local Development. The GPN provided a conceptual understanding of why empowerment is important for pro-poor growth, how this empowerment works in the local government context and practical guidance for those involved in policy making and programme design in this sector.

The people behind the project

Principal Consultant