Evaluation of Finland’s Development Cooperation Country Strategies + Country Strategy Modality reports now available

  • 27 September 2016

Mokoro recently completed an evaluation of Finland’s Development Cooperation Country Strategies and Country Strategy Modality. This evaluation, the largest in Mokoro’s history, was carried out in partnership with Indufor on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland. The purpose of the evaluation was to provide evidence-based information and practical guidance for the next phase of the Country Strategy Modality. This included how to improve results-based management in country programming for management, learning and accountability purposes; and how to improve the quality of implementation of Finnish development policy at the partner country level. As such, comprehensive country strategy evaluations took place in Ethiopia, Mozambique, Nepal, Tanzania, Vietnam and Zambia. The six country country reports and the overall evaluation synthesis report are now available for download from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland website.