Evaluations and reviews

Mokoro has an extensive track record in reviews and evaluations. We have undertaken numerous assessments of major global initiatives, of cross-sectoral and interagency interventions, and of country level strategies and programmes.

Our approach to evaluation recognises the importance of findings that are firmly evidence-based, whilst appreciating that aid agencies and governments have to make decisions based on systematic assessment of the evidence that is available. We seek to draw quantitative and qualitative evidence from a variety of sources, and to be clear about the strengths and limitations of our findings and conclusions. We draw on good-practice methodologies and frameworks whilst ensuring that they are adapted to meet the needs of the study. We are not satisfied unless our work is both theoretically robust and practically useful.

We have a particularly strong track record in complex, global evaluations, including the Evaluation of Finland’s Country Strategies and Country Strategy Modality, the independent comprehensive evaluation of the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement; the Joint Evaluation of General Budget Support; the global evaluation of UNICEF’s ‘upstream’ work in basic education and gender equality; the evaluation of the UN interagency initiative on reducing child hunger and undernutrition, REACH; and the mid-term evaluation of the Education for All Fast Track Initiative.

Our track record includes portfolio evaluations for multilateral and bilateral donors, and thematic evaluations (such as assessing WFP’s policies on nutrition and on school feeding), as well as multi-country reviews (such as an evaluation of the African Development Bank’s Policy Based Lending and a global DFID study on putting aid on budget). Our experience in country-level programme and strategy evaluations includes work for clients such as Irish Aid, DFID, Danida, the EC, Sida, and WFP.

Mokoro’s core consultants working in this field are:

Principal Consultant

Research Officer

Principal Consultant

Principal Consultant

Principal Consultant

Principal Consultant

Principal Consultant

Principal Consultant

Principal Consultant and Director

Principal Consultant and Director

Principal Consultant and Director

Principal Consultant and Director

Principal Consultant

Principal Consultant

Principal Consultant